


Baptism was modeled and commanded by Jesus Christ (Matt 3:13-17, 28:18-20) and practiced by the early church (Acts 2:41, 8:36-38, 9:18, 16:15, 16:33). Out of our love for Christ and desire to obey His word, we encourage and celebrate the ordinance of baptism as a church family.

According to the Scripture, baptism does not produce salvation or remit original sin, but serves as public proclamation of a heart brought from death to newness of life through faith in Jesus Christ (Rom 6:3-4). Baptism in the context of a local church for those who profess faith in Christ serves to unite believers, foster accountability, and demonstrates a commitment to boldly proclaim the best news of all time, for all people, in all the world – Jesus Christ is our Redeemer!

If you have questions about baptism or would like to get baptized, please reach out to us.

Want to get baptized?

If you would like more information about getting baptized, email us today!